Am I ready?
To find out if you are ready to take a road test, or driver test as some call it, please read and study the booklet, “Road Skills Test Study Guide”, which you can obtain online or from your local Secretary of State’s office. Please pay close attention to requirements section.

Road test is $65. Rental alone is $20. The total of the test with a rental vehicle is $85.

If you feel you are ready to schedule a driver road test, click here.

Each  Minor Teenage Applicant (Under 18) should have the following out and ready before they arrive for their driver road test:

 1. White level 1 license which has been held for at least 6 months.

 2. The Segment 2 White Certificate of Completion

3. Current proof of insurance and registration on the vehicle that is being used.

4. Written or digital driving log as proof of 50 hours practice driving, (40 day and 10) night of driving with your level 1 license. 

5. One parent or legal guardian to go along with you on the driver road test.

6. A car in good working order.

7. Prepaid online.

*A teenager cannot take a road test with the person who has taught them in Segment 1, Segment 2, or “Behind the Wheel”.

Each Adult Applicant (Over 18) should have the following out and ready:

1.  A TIP (Temporary Instruction Permit) for 30 days but not more than 6 months.

2. Current proof of insurance and registration on the vehicle that is being used.

3.  Prepaid online.

4.  The Road Test Applicant form (either printed off from online, sent to you in the mail, or filled out online).

*An adult or minor cannot take a road test with the person who has taught them in the classroom or “Behind the Wheel”.

*Make sure the vehicle is working properly. The horn, turn signals, speedometer and brake lights need to be working and be sure that the third brake light works, which is located either above the back seat, trunk area or tail fin. If any of these things are not working properly, then you may not be able to take the road test.

*A rental car may be available for use for an extra $20 .

In case of a “no show” or more than 5 minutes late, there may be up to an $85 service or cancellation fee. If the car or equipment is defective, the documents are incomplete or incorrect, or proof of insurance cannot be verified, there may be a up to an $85 service charge.

*If you are not going to make your scheduled time, please call (810) 743-8217. Or on the day of the test, call the examiner.  This information would have been given to you when you scheduled.

After the Test Begins
We certainly hope everyone passes the test, but on occasion, clients do not.  Once you arrive for the test, there will be no refund.  After failing either part of the test, it will cost up to $85 to retake.

On the day of the test, please remember to bring the following for your  road test:

  1. If using your car, current proof of insurance and registration on the vehicle.
  2. Under 18   

                  A. Level 1 license

                  B. Certificate of Completion from Segment 2

                  C. Mandatory written or digital 50 hour driving log.

3. Over 18

                   A. Temporary Instruction Permit (TIP) – Adults ONLY.

*The entire test will take about an hour.

Government agency checks are pre-approved.